New litterature:
In September 2012 Merete Holm Brantbjerg did an opening presentation at the European bodypsychotherapy conference in Cambridge with 350 participants. See the video above.
The article "Integrating polarities through regulation of hypo- and hyper-responses to stress An experiential keynote” is now available at the following link: The article describes the concepts and process behind the presentation in Cambridge. It is published in "Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy" - a British peer-reviewed journal.
A longer original version of the article can be downloaded here: "Polarizing or integrating polarities", US Letter or Europe A4.
In September 2014 Merete did a workshop in the EABP conference i Lisbon titled: Differentiating low energy. An article with the same title got published in the conference book: Courtenay Young (ed.): The Body in Relationship. You can download the article here: "Differentiating low energy", US Letter or Europe A4
The book can still be purchased by contacting Courtenay Young at It contains articles by many presenters at the conference.
Click here on Litterature - and you get access to download all articles written in the Moaiku approach since 2004. You choose what you pay - as support for my writing.
Introduction to the method you will meet in the workshops:
Resource Oriented Skill Training (ROST) psychomotor exercises are used to open up defensive patterns. Skills and resources held in the muscle-system are awakened and with that our capacity for regulating emotions and arousal-states can grow.
Through the process of “dosing” the body exercises are adapted to each participant, building inner authority. Negotiation between opening up or respecting and valuing defensive patterns as they are is supported.
The approach is based in knowledge about tension and low energy (hyper- and hypo-response) as defense-mechanisms represented in the muscles and connective tissue.
Regulation of low energy is being addressed first, which supports an unusual group-dynamic and inner dynamic: High and low energy behaviors are valued equally.
The goal of the method - Relational Traumatherapy - is to build a holding environment where emotions and survivalreactions can become mutually regulated, especially those states that have been held in isolation and dissociation. The psychomotor skill-training supports self-regulatory capacity and systemic group-work is used to build the capacity for mutual resonance and regulation.
The psychotherapeutic growth process in the workshops happens through active exploration, systemic group-work and reflection.
Growth in your professional capacity is supported by widening your capacity for knowing and owning aspects of being human in your own body and mind through direct experience in resonance with yourself and others.
Click on the workshops to the right - and you will find descriptions of workshops. Some descriptions are translations of flyers used in Scandinavia others are flyers from English spoken workshops.
The descriptions hold information about the variety of workshops Merete Holm Brantbjerg is offering in Scandinavia and internationally.
Activities in London UK and Vancouver Canada:
CABP - Chiron Association of Body Psychotherapy - continue to organize workshops with Merete in London.
3 new workshops will be offered in 2014-15:Here are titles and dates for the workshops :
"What guides us? Pleasure? Attachment? Conscious goals?" - February 20-22 2015
"Attraction, aversion and direction" - October 9-11 2015
"Coping with anger and disgust" - May 6-8 2016
All the workshops are 2,5 days starting Friday evening. This format makes it possible to get further into the material and further into group development.
April 17-19 2015 I will do a new workshop: Anger and disgust - coping, owning and understanding.
Anger and disgust are both powerful emotional reactions that play a role in reestablishing boundaries when we have lost them. The workshop will focus on how to work with each of the reactions - differentiating method and understanding of the 2 emotional reactions.
Focusing on building energy up in low energized areas in the body first - before dealing with outgoing impulses - makes it possible to work with both anger and disgust in a way where all participants can find a dosage that supports learning and integration.
Flyer will be available later.
Individual sessions with Merete Holm Brantbjerg - therapy or supervision - will be available in Vancouver in April 2015. The dates are April 8, 9, 22 and 26. Please contact Gayle Robinson on if you are interested in individual sessions
Practical information:
To sign up for workshops please contact Barbara Picton: Barbara is organizing the activities in Vancouver in cooperation with Gayle Robinson.
Please contact Barbara if you want to be included on the mailinglist receiving information about the activities in Vancouver. If you miss information on this website please write an email to - and tell us what you would like to become available at the site.